My Life and Doctrine


God has called me to Himself before He called me to shepherd His people (Rom. 1:6). My philosophy of ministry starts with paying close attention to my life and doctrine, because it is essential to fruitful ministry (1 Tim. 4:16). My deepest desire should always be to have God be my greatest treasure and satisfaction. This means I seek to know Him more deeply through maintaining regular practices of spiritual disciplines, by intentionally scheduling blocks of time focused on personal edification and spiritual growth. This also means I strive to grow in godliness, keeping my passions and desires under control, “lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified” (1 Cor. 9:27). Everything I do should spring forth from the personal joy and satisfaction I find in Christ. 

A pastor once wisely told me that my ministry would mean nothing if my marriage wasn’t strong, and my family wasn’t thriving. My family must be prioritized as my primary shepherding role. This means I shepherd my family first by living out my faith in the home, loving and pursuing my wife, and guiding family to love and pursue the glory of Christ. This also means I strive to disciple each member of my family through dedicated involvement in their lives, encouragement from the Word, and ensuring they always know I am available for them as a husband and father.